Have you ever put something together which you purchased and just been frustrated? If you’re like me, you have bought something, figured you could get it together without the directions and then had nothing but problems.
There was a time we got a playset. This playset was made of wood, had a slide, two swings. I figured by looking at the picture I could get it together. After multiple steps I was reversing course, undoing screws and back to square one.
What happened? Like a lot of people, I decided I didn’t need the instruction, felt they were more confusing, didn’t want to put the time into studying the instructions and did it my way. In turn, I was rejecting the designer’s instructions to put together a playset and doing it on my turns. It was frustrating.
What we don’t realize is the manufacturer doesn’t put the directions with the product to make our life frustrating or burdensome. Rather, the designer, here is the best and easiest way to put the product together.
This is like life. We have a master designer, the creator of all heaven and life. He has given us instructions for how to live. Yet so many decide they can do it on their own, they can live life easier. However, we find struggles, problems, and other issues.
Recently, someone shared their life was a game of struggle. Every day they woke up they drew a new card with a new struggle for the day. The way they played was figuring out how to get out of the new struggle every day.
This need not be. We have the creator of all things, the master designer, saying, here is the way to live life. I created it all and know the best way to put life together. Yet so many reject His Word, His instructions.
Proverbs 13:15
Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard.
When we don’t follow the instruction manual, life is hard. When I ignored the directions on the playset, it was a difficult and frustrating project. When I changed my mind and reversed course in following the instructions, the project was more pleasing and satisfying.
Where are you in life? Do you feel you are playing a game of struggle? Have you ignored the instructions (Bible) because you think you can figure it out or find them too hard to understand? Are you ready to reverse course and follow the designer’s plans?
If you are ready to go back and look at the instructions, please reach out to us. We offer many ways to help you to understand the designer’s instructions and apply it to your life. Let’s start putting together a life founded about the designer’s instructions.