Did you know?
February 2, 2022, 4:00 PM

We are a very blessed people. We live among such prosperity and knowledge! We live in one of the most amazing times in the history of the world. Think of how this time in history is different than other periods of history. During our time education is open to all. For most of human history the pursuit of knowledge was limited to a small amount of people. People who could afford to learn because they didn’t have to work from dawn until dusk to grow or hunt food. For most of the world’s history most people didn’t have a formal education of any kind. If you did have an education, you were wealthy and nine times out of ten a man.

So how did it come to be that everybody has access to school? Why are women allowed to learn along with men? What changed so that it is the minority that can’t read? The answer is Christianity. Christianity is what brought education to the western world and not just America and Europe but also to every country that missionaries spread the gospel. When people began to read the Bible during the enlightenment it brought not just a spiritual awakening, but also scientific, economic and governmental enlightenment. As people read the Bible, they wanted others to read the Bible so they would read the life changing message of Jesus Christ. So, they taught their children, neighbors and servants to read. They travelled to distant lands and taught people to read for one purpose: so they could read the Bible.

America was a leader in education. The wealthy and poor were taught to read because people needed to read the Bible. America has long been the leader in mission work and charitable work in the world. When Christians saw the need of other countries for the gospel they went and taught those people to read. When people are taught to read, they are not only able to read the Bible they are able to read other things. And with reading goes math and science and geography which opens up the mind to more understanding. And people prosper and their lives are changed. But this didn’t happen in any culture other than those so largely influenced by Christianity. There is no other worldview that saw the need to educate everyone, male, female, rich and poor. I am not saying no other culture had learning or scientific advancement. I am saying no other culture dispersed it so widely and freely as those that had a desire to teach reading for the purpose of Biblical education. And it is the roots of Christianity that support the wealth and prosperity we enjoy today as a result of reading God’s word.

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